Calamos Investments, a global investment firm, announced today that the Calamos Focus Growth ETF (CFGE) will be closed effective August 1, 2016 and subsequently liquidated. Calamos reviewed its product range to ensure it is meeting the requirements of clients in continuing to add value. Following careful consideration, the decision was made to close the Fund.
The last date for authorized participants to create units in the Fund will be August 1, 2016 and the last date to redeem shares will be on or before 4:00 PM EST on August 1, 2016. The proportionate interests of the shareholders in the net assets of the Fund will be fixed on the basis of their respective share holdings at the close of business on August 1, 2016.
The last day of trading for the Fund on the NASDAQ Global Market is expected to be August 1, 2016. During the period between August 1, 2016 and the completed liquidation of the Fund, the Fund’s affairs shall be wound up and its securities and other assets shall be sold for cash or cash equivalents.
The Fund intends to declare and pay any dividends required to distribute its investment company taxable income, net capital gains, and net tax-exempt income accrued in the Fund’s current taxable year or any in any prior taxable year in which the Fund is eligible to declare and pay a dividend.
These dividends will be taxable to shareholders who do not hold their shares in a tax-advantaged account such as an IRA or 401(k). Shareholders should check with their investment professional and tax professional regarding the potential impact of the Fund’s liquidation to their individual financial plan and tax situation.