One-Page Parallax

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Select from the built-in skins or create your own, completely bespoke skin. Choose the font type, colors, size and much more.

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DynamiX is 100% fully responsive and looks incredible on all devices. This includes all content and sliders too, with the option to disable.

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Most themes only have options you can set globally, DynamiX goes a step further to allow custom options on individual pages too.

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Build complex layouts within minutes using the powerful visual page builder system, drag & drop elements onto a page.

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DynamiX includes plugins like Revolution Slider, Visual Composer and integrates with Woocommerce, BuddyPress & bbPress. As well as having stunning features like Parallax, One-Page Scroll, Video Support and much more.

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DynamiX is optimized for on-screen SEO and incorporates the best practices for optimizing page load speed. Compatible with SEO plugins like Yoast & popular caching plugins like WP Fastest Cache too, boosting your organic rank.

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DynamiX includes the required .po & .mo files ready for translation. Easily translate using the Codestyling Localization plugin, plus support for WPML & qTranslate for multi-language support.

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You only have to take a glance at the changelog to see you’re making a great investment. If you can’t find an answer via the documentation or screencasts, the Help Center provides fast, reliable support, completely FREE.

What People Say About Us

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Our Portfolio

We take great PRIDE in our work.
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Get in touch with us today.

We’d LOVE to hear from you!

Some Street, Some City, Some Country | 001 ( 234 ) 2352 5993

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