Invesco PowerShares Capital Management LLC, announced it will change the underlying indexes, but not the index provider for 4 ETFs.
The Board of Trustees approved changes to the underlying indexes, product names and tickers for the ETFs indicated in the tables below. These changes will take effect at market close on March 18, 2016.
Current Index Name |
New Index Name | Current Fund Name |
New Fund Name | Old Ticker |
New Ticker |
S&P Emerging Market High Beta Index |
S&P Momentum Emerging Plus LargeMidCap Index |
PowerShares S&P Emerging Markets High Beta Portfolio |
PowerShares S&P Emerging Market Momentum Portfolio |
S&P International Developed High Beta Index |
S&P Developed ex US & South Korea LargeMidCap Index |
PowerShares S&P International Developed High Beta Portfolio |
PowerShares S&P International Developed Momentum Portfolio |
S&P International Developed High Quality Rankings Index |
S&P Quality Developed ex US LargeMidCap Index |
PowerShares S&P International Developed High Quality Portfolio |
PowerShares S&P International Developed Quality Portfolio |
IDHQ | No Change |
S&P 500 High Quality Rankings Index |
S&P 500 Quality Index |
PowerShares S&P International Developed High Quality Portfolio |
PowerShares S&P 500 Quality Portfolio |
SPHQ | No Change |