ETFGI: Europe ETFs Jun’23, Net Inflows $10.25 bn, Total Assets: $1.63 tr
Big Topic for Economy: Artificial Intelligence
WISDOMTREE- Weekly commentary from Professor Jeremy J. Siegel (06/26/2023) : Last week was quiet on the economic data side, but it was the third week in a row with elevated jobless claims. There is no question the trend in jobless claims ratcheted up. I am watching these weekly claims reports closely to confirm an […]
Focused on Jobless Claims this Week
Focused on Jobless Claims this Week
It Appears Goldilocks Rules the Day
It Appears Goldilocks Rules the Day
ETFGI: Europe ETFs Apr’23, Net Inflows $15.07 bn, Total Assets: $1.58 tr
ETFGI: Europe ETFs Apr’23, Net Inflows $15.07 bn, Total Assets: $1.58 tr
The Bar is High for Raising Rates
The Bar is High for Raising Rates
Stocks Holding Well with Prevailing Pessimism
Stocks Holding Well with Prevailing Pessimism
ETFGI: Europe ETFs Mar’23, Net Inflows $14.64 bn, Total Assets: $1.42 tr
ETFGI: Europe ETFs Mar’23, Net Inflows $14.64 bn, Total Assets: $1.42 tr
Investment Strategy Focus for April 2023
Investment Strategy Focus for April 2023
Positioning for Cautious and Bearish Outcomes
Positioning for Cautious and Bearish Outcomes